
My fallen state is neither stained nor broken

My body takes fiery reds for anger and frustration,

But quiet blues wash over me in prayers unspoken—

I wish someone would listen.


And then I hear a still, quiet voice say to me,

“Listen, there are lessons in these moments.



The moments when you feel alone and covered in cloudy skies

When your questions hold less answers than you would like

Or when no one hears the strings of your beating heart cry


‘Can someone hear me? Is anyone listening?’


Yes, but this time, I need you to listen.


Listen to the rain—Watch how it washes over dirt-covered roads

How it takes all the smudges, all the mistakes, and watch how it rolls 

Down the hills, through deep to shallow waters– how it disappears the next day

You can see where my fingerprints carried them away—


I am watching, waiting and praying for open doors–

Because I am here so we can rebuild and restore

From the damage this storm has given

In a world filled with rough hands from a tired existence

I watch you work non-stop in a life that feels frozen—


Know that I see you…

And I am here to cover your sleepless body

With some form of relief from the pain you’re hiding

Let time and new life roll away the dirt-covered stone you hide behind

Let my hands hold you up above the tree tops– where you stopped out of a fear from heights

Know I won’t let you slip through my fingers, if you fall, you will not fall far from my hands

I will hold you in warmth and love as a reminder through the long winters and heavy snow

Let my eyes be your guide so you can see beauty and light wherever you go

And know this–

That life is sometimes filled with empty words and broken promises,


But it is also filled with crazy laughter and newfound friends

You will find all sorts of means to an end, but never forget to stop and listen,

And never forget to stop and find me. I will always be here, watching, waiting.”

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